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All Father

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In-game name: THOR
Ladder: No (Non-Ladder)
Hardcore: No (Softcore)
Platform: Xbox
Expansion: Yes (LoD)
Region: Americas Yes (Multiplayer)
Class: Barbarian
Forum level:

About me

Ok Alfadhir heitir

Fimbulthulur Fjoelnir
Udhur Ulfroegni
Thekkur Thudur
Onski Ofnir
Rognir Raudhir
Grimnir Goendlir
Hlefreyr Hangatyr
Njolstapi Naudhvindir
Jolfudhr Jafnhaur
Atridhir Alfadhir
Sidgrani Sigfadhir
Dughirgjafi Dresvarpir
Bileygur Biflidhi
Margvisir Midhvitnis
Londungr Launhirdir
Yggr ok Yungi

And he's called Allfather

Mighty Thuler, Wise one,
Striver, Wolfspeaker,
Welcomed one, Pale one,
God of witches, Inciter,
Cheiftain, Readhead,
Hooded one, Wandwielder,
Famous lord, God of the hanged,
Nebulizer, Needed one,
Yulefather, Evenhigh,
Attacking rider, Allfather,
Victory tree, Father of victory,
One with a missing eye, God with painted shield,
Flashing eye, Shieldshaker,
Leader of the crowd, One with knowledge,
Shaggy-cloack wielder, Guardian of secrecy,
Terible one and Stormy one.

Trade Stats

Refreshes daily
Current trust level: 0
Active trades: 0
Sold trades (last 3 days): 0
All-time sales: 0
All-time purchases: 0

Site Stats

Joined: 3 years ago
Last active: 3 months ago

Likes received: 0
Likes given: 0

Total posts: 0


Refreshes daily
Data contributions: 0
Descriptions written: 0
Comments on entries: 0
Bugs reported: 0
Feedback given: 0
Questions answered: 0
Dclone reports: 0


~Wuotani Ruoperath~
Unused for now




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